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Get Artsy Editor for Free!

As y’all know, we are just getting started. 99.99% of WordPress users don’t know about Artsy Editor. Today, we are launching a campaign to help more people learn about us and increase our brand awareness. We are giving you the opportunity to share with your friends and colleagues about Artsy Editor, and in turn, get something valuable back from us – in this case, a free license!

Here is how to get a Hobbyist license for free:

A. Head to, write about anything you have in mind, append “Written in Artsy Editor“, get the HTML, and publish it on your blog!

Article idea for A:

B. If you are even more awesome, write an honest review of Artsy Editor on your blog. There is absolutely no limit of what you can talk about, as long as you mention us and provide a link back.

Article idea for B:

  • How can Artsy Editor help you write faster?
  • Why will you recommend Artsy Editor to your clients/colleagues?
  • Why is Artsy Editor better than WordPress distraction-free editor?

After you completed any of these, send me the link of your post to and I will get you set up with a free Hobbyist license!

Frequently asked questions:

1. How many sites can I use my Hobbyist license on?

Hobbyist license can be used on one site. If you want to upgrade to a Professional (5 sites) or Developer (unlimited sites) license, I can give you a discount as well.

2. How many licenses can I win in total?

You might think one is the maximum. That’s not the case – you can get two free licenses by completing all of the tasks. It is a tough challenge. But if you try, you can do it! Also if you win more than one, I encourage you to gift the extra one to your favorite bloggers or friends so they know how awesome we are! :)

3. How long will this campaign last?

It will be available until July 31st. I might extend this to a discount price (instead of free) afterward. But it won’t last long. So head to right now and get your writing spirit going!

PS: This is just our first creative marketing campaign, we have much more coming up. If you subscribe to our blog, we can keep you up to date!

July 4th Special Offers

Today is Independence Day in the US. To celebrate this unique holiday (or to some extends, to celebrate those who aren’t partying today), we have a special offer for you.

Drumroll please…

The offer is all three licenses (Hobbyist, for 1 site; Professional, for 5 sites; Developer, for unlimited sites) will get a 20% price drop. That means Hobbyist license will only cost $15.99, Professional license will only cost $47.99, and Developer license will only cost $159.99.

The discount code is JULY4TH.

You are not going to see promotions & public discount codes often for Artsy Editor. So don’t let this once in a lifetime opportunity slip past you! This offer will end this evening, 11:59 PM PST.

To get started, simply head to our pricing page to choose your desired license, then enter the coupon code JULY4TH at checkout.

Our Case Study with WooThemes

I built using Simplicity, a beautiful theme crafted by the folks over at WooThemes. The customization process had been quite an experience, and I decided to share some of the tips and tricks I learned along the way so other Woo community members out there can take advantage and learn from those. So I contacted Adii, co-founder of WooThemes, and he happily gave me the opportunity to write on WooThemes’ popular blog.

Here is the case study =>

The topic is about building a product site (like the one we have) using their turbo-charged WooFramework. Couple of things I mentioned:

  • Setting up the featured slider
  • Setting up the testimonial area
  • Setting up the pricing columns
  • Setting up the call-to-action buttons

If you are a WordPress developer that use or plan to use one of WooThemes’ awesome themes, I encourage to read the case study. You will find something helpful over there. :-)