Journal – July 13, 2011

Try Artsy Editor for free
  • Launched our very first marketing campaign. You can get Artsy Editor for free by writing a blog post about us.
  • Filled our Buffer account with 15+ tweets.
  • Wrote the draft of an upcoming guest post of Buffer’s blog.
  • Updated getting started help text since we added new features.
  • Discussed and received some critiques on site’s design and copywriting.
  • Sorted out couple issues with the WooThemes giveaway.
  • Explained few bugs occurred to customers that are caused by something outside of our control.
  • Started to fix few bugs existed in v.1.1.1. Will finish them tomorrow.

About Stephen

Stephen is the man behind Artsy Editor. He is responsible for all the marketing, design and administrative tasks. He previously made OhBoard, iTunes Instant, TwtRoulette, and OneExtraLap. His email: