Recognition Throughout the Media

The Next Web:

It’s an ultra-minimalist overhaul of the WordPress editor UI, a classic example of “less is more” while at the same time giving quick access to the most commonly used features in an aesthetic manner.

If you’re a fan of the new editor, then you’re bound to love the new Artsy Editor. It’s a premium editor with an even simpler UI than WP’s distraction-free editor. One of the most exciting features of Artsy Editor is the convenient image management. It lets you drag-and-drop images, Photoshop-style resize images, customize the interface, and much more.


A new WordPress plug-in, Artsy Editor has been created to let bloggers get their posts ready in half the time, and without having to make any compromise as far as quality goes. This plug-in makes for formatting all kinds of texts in a distraction-free environment, while also handling media (specially images) far more logically and intuitively.


Then, there’s one thing that always bugs me with WordPress: adding images. It just takes too long to add images with the Upload button. Artsy Editor solves this by letting you upload pictures to your post just by dragging and dropping them into your browser. Simple and easy. You can then move or resize the image right in the post, or scale the image by holding Shift down while resizing. It works just like you’d expect.


The way Artsy Editor’s formatting works is that whenever you select a part of the text you want to format, a clean small pop-over editor appears with all the basic text formatting options. Clicking elsewhere hides the editor so you’re able to continue focusing on your writing. Of course you still have access to all the standard keyboard shortcuts as well.


You are a WordPress user, then this is certainly good news. Artsy Editor, a new WordPress plug-in, helps you get a distraction-free environment while blogging. This plug-in helps bloggers post their blogs easily and quickly. It promises to take just half the time when compared to posting blogs without this plug-in.

Ricky Moorhouse:

In the new release of WordPress 3.2 there is also a similar full browser editing feature included called distraction-free mode. It works pretty well and but it doesn’t have drag and drop uploading and it’s formatting bar feels more cluttered.